Hopefully, you just finished watching the math manipulatives webinar my friend, Anna (Simply Skilled in Second), and I did tonight. We want to thank you for watching and for your great questions. We both thought it would be easier if we wrote blog posts with links for you to some of the resources we shared.
If you were unable to catch the webinar, you can still check out some of the resources we shared by checking out this blog post and then by hopping over to Anna’s blog. Or you can register and watch it by clicking the image below. We have two freebies embedded in the actual webinar, so watch on your computer!
Our webinar focused on math maniuplatives. So why do we use manipulatives?
During our webinar, we gave many examples of manipulatives and how to use them. One simple manipulative I shared was these Hide Zero cards. You can download them from TpT by clicking the image below.
I also discussed during the webinar my favorite teacher made manipulatives…LIMA BEANS. I use spray paint and sharpies to create these. They actually last a really long time.
Here are some of the math resources I shared during the webinar. You can check them out on TpT by clicking the covers. All math resources are on sale!
You can only snag this Tens and Ones freebie by watching the webinar {Click Here}.
Here are some Amazon affiliate links for my favorite manipulatives: