I am super excited about participating in the HUGE LEAP DAY SALE on TpT! I have joined up with some blogging buddies to offer 20% off in our stores for one day only! Plus, TpT is offering an additional 10% off! That is a total savings of 28%. Nows a great time to clear out your wishlist! The next BIG sale won’t come until Teacher Appreciation Day in May. I hop you join me in taking advantage of this sale. This sale only happens once every four years!
You’ll get 20% off in ALL of these TpT stores,
PLUS an extra 10% off if you use the promo code L2P9Y
Click on the image below to access a pdf version of the list with links to my bloggy buddies’ stores!
Our list is huge of sellers, but I know many more of you are having sales also. If so, leave the link to your store in the comment box below. Shoppers, make sure to check out the links to the stores. I know there is an overwhelming number of TpT stores now, maybe the links below will help you find a new store to add to your favorites! Click {here} for a tutorial on leaving direct links!
Click below to browse my store and start adding items to you cart!
Here are some products that will be useful in the upcoming months! Click on the pictures to go directly to the TpT link!
Happy Shopping!
It makes me really excited to see spring and the end of the year…lol
Yes! More than halfway there!!! Add you store link in a comment below if you are having a sale, too. I just updated this post to tell people to do that.
I will also be offering 20% off of my entire store in addition to the 10% coupon code. Here's the link: http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Shelley-Gray
Teaching in the Early Years
I am having a sale… Woo hoo!
Deedee Wills
I am having a 20% off plus an additional 10% too! Come check it out 🙂
Adventures in Kindergarten
I'm having a sale for 20% off my store before the coupon. Thanks for letting us join up Erica!
Swimming into Second
I'm will be joining the sale with 20% in my store, too!
Dragonflies in First TpT Store
❤ Dragonflies in First ❤
I'm having a sale in my store, too. 20% off! 🙂
Colleen Patton
Mrs. Patton’s Patch
Come on by my store to join in the sale fun!
Ѽ Alessia
Mrs. Albanese’s Kindergarten Class
I am so excited for this sale!!! My wish list has gotten huge! YIKES!! I will be having a sale also, I am offering 15% off plus the extra 10% for a 25% sale on everything in my store.
Sarah Mackey
Mackey's Classroom
I am leaping into the fun also with the same 20% + 10% sale in my store!
First Grade a la Carte
Everything in my store will be 20% off too! This girl loves a sale!
First Grade is Fantabulous at TpT!
☺ Tanya
First Grade is Fantabulous!
I will be hosting a sale as well!!! 20% off!
Beg, Borrow, Steal
I will be having a sale as well!! 20% off!
The Daily Alphabet
I'm offering 20% off in my store as well. My sale will run from Monday-Thursday.
My TpT Store
Tales From Outside the Classroom
20% off at my store, too!
My TpT Store
A Cupcake for the Teacher
20% Off my TpT Store AND My Online Teaching Store!
I'm having 10% off my TPT store!
Buzzing with Ms. B
I'm doing 20%! Emily's Second Grade Sillines TPT Shop
Emily @ Second Grade Silliness
I'll be doing 20% off!
Thanks for the post!
Fern Smith’s Classroom Ideas! TPT Store
Fern Smith’s Classroom Ideas!
Fern Smith’s Pinterest Boards!
Everything in my store will also be 20% off! Thanks for the post! Happy Leap day!
I'm also doing 20% off my store!!!
Extra Special Teaching
I'm having a 20% off sale too!!! 🙂
Live Laugh and Love to Learn
Of course I am doing this! I wish you all would have included me in the sale–I could be #20. It is not too late 🙂
Thanks for the post. I'm also offering 20% for Wednesday only. Here's the link to my store:
These sales are so fun! I'll be offering 20% off everything in my store, in addition to the 10% coupon code offered by TPT. Check it out: http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Mrs-Pollard
Tales of a Teacherista
I too will be having a sale but mine will start on TUESDAY with 20% off and on Wednesday, you can get the additional 10% off!
oh, and I have a little LEAP DAY MINI UNIT!!!
I'm having a sale!
I'm also having a sale! 20% off plus the additional 10% code.
Click over & add to your wishlist!
Primary Inspired TpT Store
Have fun shopping!!
Primary Inspired
I'm having a 20% off sale too! Stock up on my Candy Land games!
Mel D
Seusstastic Classroom Inspirations
Everything in my store will be 20% off, too! Thanks for inviting us to link up!
Finally in First
Thanks for the invitation to link up! Everything in my store is 20% off including my new Green Eggs and Contractions unit!
Once Upon A First Grade Adventure
My Teachers Pay Teachers Store
Everything in my store will be 20% off, too! Thanks for inviting us to link up!
Thanks Erica! Everything in my TPT store will be 20% off, too!
Rebecca's TPT Store
Erica you're the best 🙂
So excited for this sale!! 15% off all my tpt products and a total of 25% off with the promote code.. check it out!! <3
Thanks for letting us post!
I'll be offering 20% off in addition to the 10% from TPT! Thanks for looking!
Teacher Tam's TPT Store
This is awesome! I am having a sale too! 20% off as well as the 10% TPT code!
Loving & Learning in Pre-K
Thanks Erica! We are participating in the sale as well. 20% off plus the 10% TPT code!
I am having a sale too! http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Mrs-Cook Thanks for letting us share on your amazing blog!
Sorry I linked to the wrong thing earlier. Here's my store: http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Teach123
Thank you for doing this. This is so nice of you!
I'm offering 20% off, in addition to the coupon. Many great literacy resources for sale, including my best-selling "Fluency Boot Camp" product! 🙂
Kristin (MsJordanReads)
MsJordanReads TpT Store
** This direct link should work! Thanks for the tutorial. 2nd time's a charm! 🙂
Thanks Erica!! I'm offering 20% off plus TpT's 10%, so great deals!!
I'm having a 20% off sale too!
I really enjoyed your informative blog. More power to you!
I am a new follower and already love your products here and on TPT.