I perfected my Power Point skills with tutorials by Ladybug Teacher Files and Ashley Hughes. You can find many other wonderful tutorials by googling. I googled and found GCF Learn Free, which breaks it down by the version of Power Point you have. I found that the more I used Power Point the better and faster I got with it. It is so easy to duplicate a page, no more copy and pasting like in Word or clicking “enter” to get to the next page. It is also a whole lot easer to manipulate and adjust graphics!
I don’t know if this is obvious or not, but do not create products at school or during school time. You are getting paid by your district for that time and it might be considered double dipping, if you used that time to create products. Who has time to create during the school day anyway?! I create all my products at home after work, on weekends, and whenever I have off from school. I always created for my own classroom, even before TpT. The difference is that now, I create products that are above and beyond what I would create for my own personal classroom use. I use commercial use fonts and commercial use graphics instead of just “google imaging.” I include directions for teachers, standards, a cover page, etc. All of this takes time and money. Therefore, I have no qualms about selling my products.
I ended up going through three printers before I found the printer that I absolutely love. When you create a lot of products for TpT, you will find yourself printing a lot of TpT products. A good printer is essential. I recommend the HP Laserjet Pro 200 Color M251NW.
For some reason you cannot add hyperlinks before you create a PDF with Mac. To get around this problem, I purchased Adobe Pro. It is pretty expensive, so if you are not anticipating making the cost of the program back in TpT products, you may want to look into other cheaper PDF editing programs.
Click the images to check out these free storage sites:
*Update: TpT now allows you to bundle files! This makes it so much easier for buyers to download and for you to create bundles.
Thank you so much for this awesome post. I know it must have taken forever to write. I appreciate all of the information, though.
I have been toying with the idea of selling on TpT. Thank you for this post. It answers a lot of my questions.
Very informative and just what I needed as I am trying to get my first TPT products ready to upload. Thank you so much.
From a fellow Long Islander and novice TpTer, thank you for this post! I had always wondered about securing pdfs as I use a mac and looked at the tutorials you linked up. The only issue I had was when it was secured, my designer font with specific Spanish characters was no longer. Is that normal?
Thank you for this post. I had no idea that selling on TPT was so involved! I think I'll just stick with buying products & making some plain jane type activities for my own classroom use. I have a lot to learn! lol. I certainly had appreciate all of your hard work a lot more now!
Wow! Thank you for taking the time to share all of this great information. It is so helpful to have everything in one place. I will be referring back to this post again and again.
Thanks so much for the detailed post, Erica! It was very helpful (as someone who's slowly adding to her TPT store!) and definitely taught me some new tricks and techniques. You're a great creator–keep it up, and thanks for encouraging others!
Really. Thank you. As I plan, create, curate, and develop my products, I appreciate all the tips on doing it "right", the first time…albeit there will most certainly be mistakes! Ha! But your time was so generous and I promise to pay it forward and help others down the road. Take care and have a great start of the year!!!!
Thanks for the hard work you put into writing this article: it is great and I'm sure it will help a lot of teachers.
Ilinca from Grumpy Dumpling
Thank you for including advanced TpT Tips! I'm 6 months into this journey, so I feel I know the basics- The photography tips were great!
Thank you so much for taking the time to share this helpful information. I'm sure I will refer to this article often!
OMG! What a wonderful post. Thank you so very much; I'm a newbie to TpT. Kris