This week is Robot Week! Our robot projects are due on Tuesday. Our robot sharing party is on Friday. This will cumulate our week of robot themed centers. The parents come in for the sharing party. It is a cute and easy way to get parents into the classroom. The students are so proud of their robot projects. You can check out my robot packet by clicking below.
Here are my plans for the week. Click to download.
This week, we are going to plant some seeds. We keep a little journal of our seeds progress using my plant packet. The students love recording their seeds growth. I think it is so cute that they want to check their seeds about an hour after we plant them for some growth!
We are continuing our Weather Unit. I am utilizing Jodi Southard’s packet and A Cupcake for the Teacher’s packet. Click the covers to check them out.
Happy Teaching!
I love the robot pictures! I imagine that students love when their parents come to the sharing party!
Literacy Without Worksheets
We're doing robots right now, too!! I just shared a robot directed drawing on my blog! I LOVE your kids' projects!!
First Grade Blue Skies
Erica, I just found your blog today and became a follower. I LOVE the idea of doing a whole robot week! I have a little boy who suggested that I dress up like a robot, and then he would tell ME what to do all day. 🙂 When I find a robot costume, I will be sure to post pictures.
Sharon Dudley, NBCT
Teaching with Sight