I want to also give a huge thank you to all of the bloggers and teachers who came up to me and told me how much they loved what I do on TpT and on my blog. I really welled up when they said these sweet things to me. It is nice to know that doing what I do can make a difference in people’s lives. I was on cloud nine all evening at the meet-up! After they said how much they liked my blog, they would then say “you are so TINY,” “you are so cute,” and “I love your accent!” I did use my “celebrity” to cut the drinks line. It might have all gone a bit to my head because later that week at Kim Adsit’s presentation, a woman stopped me and said “I just have to tell you how much I love your ….” I thought she was going to say blog, but nope she said “bag.” I was a bit stunned and almost busted out laughing, but then I remembered it was a really fabulous bag and I kept myself composed. I had a good laugh about it with my blogging friends right after!
We stayed in the Palazzo and it connected to the Venetian. It was beautiful and had a high end mall in it – Trouble!
Here is a photo of all of us roomies: Hope, Rachelle, Cheryl, Deanna, me and Natalie. *We did not all sleep in the same bed 🙂
I was a big winner at the penny slots! My cheerleader was Natalie. She got so excited every time I won even if it was just 24 cents!
I just made it into Senior Frogs! Natalie and me!
We heard Ron Clark speak – AMAZING. I going to read all of his books. I loved his “not everyone deserves a cookie philosophy and positive attitude. I am so impressed that Hope’s husband just got hired to teach at the Ron Clark Academy.
We had a huge blogger/teacher meet up sponsored by SDE and TPT. A huge thank you goes out to Rachelle for being the hostess for the evening and making the arrangements.
This is me with Amy of TpT and a fellow New Yorker!
I know one of the big highlights of the evening was the prizes. We all networked and emailed to get sponsors. The result: awesome prizes. Scroll to the bottom of this post for links.
A special thank you to MPM School Supplies for donating a $100 gift card. I love to one stop shop their for borders!
Who doesn’t love a TpT gift certificate?
A huge thank you to our sponsors who made our Vegas meet-up possible!
Thank you to those who donated some fabulous prizes!
Check out these links to see some amazing products just for TEACHERS!
Shari Sloane
Thanks for reading this post! I had a fabulous time and plan on attending again next year.
Very cute pics!
LOVED meeting you….Glad you had a great time in Vegas ….
Love the pictures! What a great trip, thanks for sharing!
Hi Erica I love your pics! Looks like you had a great time!
✿Science for Kids Blog✿
The first year I taught I went to the I Teach 1st conference in Orlando. It was no where near as much fun as your Vegas trip looked.
Glad you had a great time!
So fun!! Thanks for sharing…glad you had an awesome time! So many beautiful, talented ladies in one place. 🙂
What Happens in First Grade
It was so nice meeting you! I love your Vegas recap! The Senor Frogs picture is the best! Good luck with all your adventures and you will do great presenting in December!
Take care,
from Well, Michelle?
Look like you all had a BLAST!! Maybe next year I can attend the conference. 🙂
Such fun pics! I love the neon photo captions! Thanks for sharing your experience!
The Polished Teacher
OMG, I am so jealous. I wanted to be there so bad, but I was teaching already. Maybe next year. Thanks for sharing.
The First Grade Princess
I will start saving now so I won't miss the fun next year!
next year we MUST get together and get a picture together! LOL….We talked along with a billion others……SO great "meeting" you in person!
You have the best pictures! I really meant to take a lot of pictures, but I think I was distracted by all the really incredible people! I'll be back next year!
Sally from Elementary Matters