When you are leaving a Q&A, please make sure that you leave the Q&A under the exact product you have a question about. This helps the seller know which product you are referring to and they in tern can better help you.
Ashley Hughes has an extensive post on unzipping files if you are still confused. Just click the image below.
Corrupted Files – Rest assured the file is not corrupted and does not contain a virus. It probably just was created in a computer with a newer version of Adobe or Word than you have on your computer. Follow the steps above and it should open fine.
Printing PDF’s at Different Sizes
Now, on to printing at a reduced scale on purpose! Last year, I made a ton of word wall headers and word wall cards packets LARGE! The reason I did this was because many teachers told me they needed to display their word walls above closets and they really wanted them big. Also, the large size allows the file to be printed at a reduced size, if “LARGE” does not work for you. You can always reduce a file in size to print, but often you lose a bit of the image when you enlarge. So to err on the side of caution, I made the files LARGE.
Here is a little picture tutorial on how to reduce the file size. I opened my Bright Table Labels file in Preview, but it should be similar to opening a file with Adobe Reader.
Deedee and Abby taught me this cool trick!
This “print” screen shot is from my friend, Deedee. She has a PC and helped me out. So, if you have a PC, it may look more like this if you want to change your print settings.
I also get asked all the time about printer recommendations. I love my printer and the ink (though expensive) lasts for over 1,000 pages! You can always buy the off brand ink and it works just as well! Click on the picture below to check out my printer on Amazon.com. Update 8/8/18 – I brought this printer to school and bought the white updated version (see below) of it for home. The new one still prints just as well and matches my office better, plus I LOVE having a color printer at school. I had to promise not to ask for ink or repairs from my district to get them to hook the printer up for me.
When a font is embedded in a PDF file, there is no need to download and install the font to your computer. It is embedded in the PDF itself using Adobe Pro. The issue that many people have is that they don’t open the file with the latest version of Adobe Reader. When that happens, the font defaults to Helvetica or it shows up out of alignment.
Some editable files require that you download and install a font to your computer. Above is how I install fonts on my Mac. After I install, I need to restart my computer.
Here is a great post from my friend, Rachel Lamb, on installing fonts. Just click below.
Also one of my favorite font artists, Kimberly Geswein, has a great post on her blog about installing fonts on a Windows computer. Click the image below to check it out.
Here are some of my TpT products you may be interested in:
Thanks for putting all of this in one spot. I know I have had some of these issues myself, even when printing my own things. I recently forgot to print to actual size and was wondering why my linking cubes would not fit. Thankfully it was a single page test print, not the whole set.
Great post, Erica!