Hello, blog buddies. I am so sorry that I have not posted as much lately. I have been so busy.
First, I want to thank you for all your kind words and support for my post on becoming a published author. A couple people asked me if I would do ebooks. I think I will stick with TpT for now. I also don’t plan on proposing another Scholastic book for a while. If there are any requests for materials you would like me to make for TpT please let me know in a comment. I plan on tweaking my older items on TpT and creating new ones this summer.
School is still going full speed. We have two full weeks of school left. Today was over 90 degrees in my classroom! I feel spent. This week my first graders are taking the TerraNova Exam. I have embedded some punctuation test prep that we did.
Yesterday, was Paige’s award dinner. Click here for my link on Paige’s award.
We had Molly‘s retirement party today. Molly is our class pet, a guinea pig. She is over nine years old. That is ancient for a guinea pig. She has not been looking well (this is an old picture of her) and I thought it best that she spend her final days at my house.
Thanks for the punctuation prep!
Lesson Plan Diva
I have enjoyed the posts featuring Molly.
Adorable punctuation activity! Poor Molly. 🙁 I'm glad you're bringing her home. And that temp in your classroom is ridiculous! Good luck on your last few days of school.
3rd Grade Gridiron
Thank you for the punctuation page, and congratulations on Paige's award! I'm glad that you're taking Molly home with you to spend her days there. I'm so sorry that she's not doing well.
Karen Nelson
Thank you for sharing Erica! I am sorry to hear about Molly. I hope she is comfortable at your home now! I love how you threw a retirement party for her and your students!
~ Mrs. Mc
Little Literacy Learners
You are so kind and caring! What a wonderful way for Molly to leave the room, a retirement party! I will have to keep that trick up my sleeve for the future! The picture of you and Paige is beautiful!
Enjoy the last few days!
Fern Smith’s Classroom Ideas!
I love that you had a retirement party for your class pet! So cute! =)
thank you for the punctuation page. Jennifer Dean