I would like to thank the following blogs for picking me as a top ten blog! Thank you ladies. I truly appreciate all my followers and fellow bloggers.
I have gotten a few emails and questions on my posts about where I got the punch out letters and the polka dot borders I use in my classroom. Both were purchased through Frog Street Press. Click on the letters below to check them out.
Click here to see my posts and photos of my classroom.
You deserve it!
You are on of my top ten too!
Spotlight on Kindergarten
Love your blog… I am a pre-k/K teacher who is not working right now. I have lupus so I took a year off… My son is 6 and is in the first grade inclusion in NY… Upstate Newburgh… I would love to be a regular visiter here… you have great ideas… My son has NF1 (ctf.org) and so he is other health impaired.. he is having a horrible time.. making the sounds of letters.. when they are in the word.. he is terrible at blending.. or chunking what ever you call it.. LOL… and he isn't HEARING? the end sounds.. very well at all.. and is this typical… or is he behind????
He knows all his letters and the sounds the make alone, not in words…
I also have a blog. if you have time to drop by http://nf1andpre-kwhisper.blogspot.com