What is a graphtivity? A graphtivity is a word I made up over a year ago that just smashes the words graph and activity together. I was inspired by Abby’s “craftivity” word.
Here are some spring math centers, graphtivities, and ideas I am using with my first grade class.
Click the image to check out the packet on TpT!
We have been charting the weather for the past few weeks and I decided to make up this weather themed graphtivity. The kids loved making it! Thankfully, it didn’t snow these past two weeks. You never know with this year’s weather.
Click the image to check out the packet on TpT!
Using the same person template with a different graphing activity, we completed this Gardener Graphtivity. It helped that the kids were familiar with the format and they easily completed the project.
If you want to make fancy names, like I made for the Gardener and Weather person hats, click the image below.
I insert the saved names (one by one) into a label template. Then I print the page of names on labels. I have found a ton of uses for the fancy name labels. It is so easy and useful. I reprint the labels and use them for projects, books, and more. I have purchased a commercial use license for the fonts, but for your own classroom use, you can just purchase the standard use font. They run about $3 each.
The ant graphtivity follows the same format but uses plastic ants, glued onto an ant farm image. My students completed the ones pictures above last year. We will probably work on this activity next week when we start our ant unit.
The graphing activity above is specifically designed to provide your students with practice for “How many more?” I found my students needed more graphing activities that asked that question.
I found a use for my extra scrapbook paper with this measurement and pattern activity. You will need a 1 inch punch and a larger circle punch for the middles. The students created various patterns with the scrapbook paper petals and arranged them around the flower middles. The flowers were all different heights so that they could be measured.
Not spring related but so much fun, this construction center. Students use solid, 3-D shapes, to build a structure. They work with their “construction crew” and record the plans for their structure along with the solid shapes they used.
Hope you are having a fabulous Spring!
Your blog is adorable!!! I'm a first year teacher so it has been a tremendous help because I have been incredibly busy!
Also, since I have taken on teaching I have a lot less time for me so I recently invested in the It Works products and I have fallen in love with the results. So much so that I have started selling it on the side (with all my extra spare time ha!) You should look into the products! Here is a link to my website teacherwifewraps.myitworks.com
I love the pattern created flowers. How perfect foe visually testing knowledge, plus incorporating art
My circle punches were one of the best teaching investments I ever made. They come in handy all the time! Your flowers are super cute.
Yeehaw! Teaching in Texas