I love making file folder word walls with pictures and my students love using them! I just finished my R-Controlled Vowel File Folder Words Walls and posted them to TpT (click {here} to check them out).
I am so close to reaching 2,000 followers! I am touched that there are that many people in the world who are interested in what I have to say and share! You are all awesome. I love all the comments and positive feedback I have gotten in the past year. To say thank you, I am giving you the -ar file folder word wall with pictures for free! Click on the picture below to download.
If you like these file folder word walls, be sure to check out these, by clicking on the covers!
Whoo-hoo, thanks for the freebie! This is perfect for my littles this week. Congrats on almost making it to 2000! I am excited about almost making it to 50…ha!
Teachery Tidbits
Erica, thank you! Congrats on 2,000! Just so you know, you were my motivation for getting into blogging, and although I am FAR from 2,000, I have loved every minute of it. Thanks for the freebies, posts, and constant inspiration!
Mary Beth
Run Teacher, Run
Thanks so much for the freebie! I LOVE it! 🙂
Stories From Second
Thank you!! =)
First Grade Blue SKies
We love you!!!!
These are awesome and so are you!!
Fun In First
Thanks for sharing!
Great idea. Thank you!
♥ Dragonflies in First ♥
Love it!!!! Also, how stinkin' cute are the pirates with treasure chests?!?!?! Love. IT!!!
Thanks for the freebie! I am just starting out in the teacher bloggy world and can't imagine 2,000 followers! I have been reading/stalking:) your blog for a few months and lovvvve all of your ideas. Congrats and keep up all the awesome posts and products:)
"Kindergarten Kel
These are great.thanks, Erica!
Grade ONEderful
Thanks so much for the freebie! I enjoy your blog very much! I especially enjoy knowing you are a fellow Long Islander as well! I'm just starting out with my blog for K, I have had other blogs, but never one about my class!
These look wonderful! Thanks so much! I gave your 100 day counting mats a little shout out on my blog! 😉
Teaching First