Update on 5/2/16:
I have added the following updates to this post since the links below are no longer available. I modified Ms. M.’s template and sent it back to her. She now sells the “Erica” template in her store. You can get it here.
I also sell a PowerPoint version of my plan book file here:
Original post from November 12, 2011:
A few weeks ago, I shared my plans for the week of October 17th in my Bats Acrostic Poems Post (click {here} to check it out). Well, I have gotten so many emails asking me to share and editable version with you. Unfortunately, I cannot do that because I cannot share the Scrappin’ Doodles graphics in a non-pdf file and my plan book is modified from a model purchased from Ms. M’s store, A Teacher’s Plan. Fortunately, you can purchase the graphics yourself from Scrappin’ Doodles by clicking my link to the left and searching for “school stick kids” and “my favorite teacher.” You can also purchase the lesson plan template “Is Everything Here?” from Ms. M. by clicking the picture below.
I hope this helps! Please, tell Ms. M. I sent you.
Those are some pretty darn good looking plans!
Awesome! It ALMOST makes me want to work on lesson plans…almost. lol
First Grade Blue SKies
Wow! You plans are awesome! I love the format. You are so creative! Thanks so much for sharing, girl!
Teaching First
Oh my word! Thank you so much for the shout out, you rock. 🙂 And might I say that your plans do look fabulous.
Ms. M
Ms.M's Blog
A Teacher's Plan
lol Jennifer! Erica, I agree, they look excellent! I have been so indecisive about which plan to choose from Ms. M, she has so many excellent forms. You helped convince me to purchase this form! Thanks!!
Thanks for posting this Erica! I've had this on my to-do list for a while, so today I finally purchased my template from Mrs. M. Love it! I've already customized it to fit my needs! 🙂
Learning is a Journey
You are awesome!
Your plans are amazing. Just found your blog and became your newest follower. Where have I been?!? Darling blog!!
Just getting ready to finalize my lesson plans for this week. I had to tell you that it brought me right back to your "classy" plans!! Guess I need to upgrade!!
Looking forward to begin putting plans in after Thanksgiving.
I love how your plans look. Can you tell me what fonts you used?
You wouldn't happen to have lesson plans for a whole school year?
How can I get a copy of this? I clicked and well…. it isn't there 🙁
These are adorable. Might use those for homeschooling.
I am totally in love with all of Ms. M's templates, but most would need to be modified for me to use in middle school. How "editable" are they??? Your plans are fabulous btw!