Are you looking for some simple and easy ways to make your Meet the Teacher Night/Back to School Night a success? Well check out this blog post! I have easy to implement ideas, freebies, and more.

I organize all important materials for the parents into black folders. I label the folders with labels that say “Important 1st Grade Info” and place it on each students’ desk.
Some materials to add to the folder:
- Meet the Teacher Template Sheet
- Handwriting Direction Sheets
- Class Directory
- Class List
- Blank Absence Notes & Lateness Notes
Welcome parents with a gift on the top of each desk. Water bottles are always a safe and easy gift. Just tie on some cute tags which say “Thank you for quenching your child’s thirst for learning!”

- Click here for the FREE Bright Tags which say “Thank you for quenching your child’s thirst for learning.”
- Click here for the Sunflower Tags which say “Thank you for quenching your child’s thirst for learning.”
- Click here for the Farmhouse Tags which say “Thank you for quenching your child’s thirst for learning.“

Another cute idea is putting out Post-Its. First have your students write notes or draw pictures for their parents and put it on their desks. Then when the parents come in, have them write notes and/or draw pictures back. My students are always so excited to come in and see the notes. They can’t believe that their parent sat at their desk.

The whole purpose of Meet the Teacher Night is sharing information about your class/grade with parents. I find the best and most organized way to do this is through a Google Slides presentation. Don’t reinvent the wheel either! I have a pre-made and fully editable Meet the Teacher Night Slide Show for you! I cover as much as I can in my presentation and then share it to our Google Classroom as “material.” This allows parents access to the info after Meet the Teacher Night and allows parents who were not able to attend access to the information as well.
I hope this post will help prepare for your own Meet the Teacher Night/Open School Night/Back to School Night!
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