I love Math Centers! I love creating them and I love doing them with my students. Sometimes, I feel like it is the only way I can get away with “having fun” in school. I do Math Centers in my classroom twice a week and have four centers and four groups of 5-6 students. It takes me two weeks to get through a rotation. The school Math Specialist pushes into my classroom and follows her homogeneous group of students to each center. The rest of the class is grouped heterogeneously. I usually have a “Guided Math Center” that I run or I float around and make sure students are on task.
This week my Guided Math Center is Adding Tens. My students found this center fun and I thought it was a great way to introduce two digit addition while scaffolding on our past Place Value and 100 Chart Lessons.

The other three Math Centers this week tied in with Valentine’s Day and the 100th Day of School.
100 Fruit Loops – This center and the mats are in my 100th Day of School Activities and Printables packet.
Just stumbled upon your blog and love your math center ideas! I also look forward to math centers each day, as do my students. This year I've been using a lot of the addition and subtraction centers from
and differentiating according to where my kids are on the continuum. We do these centers for 15 mins. every day. It was a lot of work to set it up initially but the growth in my students' mental math skills has been amazing.