My firsties are obsessed with leprechauns this year. They are loving every activity we do and every book we read! I am having a blast, too. We wrote letters to the leprechaun after reading Dear Mr. Leprechaun: Letters from My First Friendship
by Martin Nelson Burton. Well guess what? For the first time ever a leprechaun paid a mischief visit to my classroom. He rearranged furniture, took the toilet paper out of the bathroom and twirled it around the room. Green leprechaun dust was everywhere! And that’s not all, he read our letters and wrote us a letter back. He even left each student a chocolate gold coin. When I came back in from the lunch, the kids were busting at the seams to tell me what they had discovered after recess. I have never seen them happier. Even my shy student was jumping up and down, smiling, laughing, pointing. I love that a simple and easy thing like leprechaun mischief made my students so happy.
Besides writing to the leprechaun, we made “Wanted” posters pretending to be leprechaun felons. This was also great fun for the the students and it made a cute display.
We have been doing most of the activities from my St. Patrick’s Day LepreCommon Core packet, including the ones of above. I am not even Irish and I think this is one of my favorite units. There is so much in this packet, more than you need actually. I like to give teachers varying levels of difficulties and different options. I find that some years I am able to do more on a theme than others. Stop over at TpT, where I have marked this packet as 20% off for you for the next two days. Click the picture below to snap it up now!
Here are some other great books we read! Click on the pictures to check them out on
Click {here} for my other St. Patrick’s Day themed posts!
Great letters!!!! That handwriting is amazing too!!! When do YOU sleep??????
Too cute!! I miss the writing portion of 1st grade! But my kinders are getting there!
The Daily Alphabet
Very Cute!!!
Love your St. Patty's Day stuff. The Wanted Poster is too cute. Great idea. I am going to give that a whirl next year with my kindergarten students!!
My students are smitten with leprechauns, too! My firsties wrote letters to one also…Check them out at owlthingsfirst! Thanks for the book idea. I had never heard of that book!
Love the letters! Wanted to share with you my new Leprechaun Money Pages I just made today…
Hope you love em!
Oh my gosh! My students are obsessed too! One of my boys made his trap out of legos! I am posting them all tomorrow! Looks like you all have been having fun!
Mrs Johnson’s First Grade
Love it!
First Grade Blue SKies
I'm your newest follower.
I follow your blog and TPT store!
So cute! You are so creative Erica! Your kiddos are blessed to have you as their teacher and we are blessed to have you in our bloggy world. =)
I have several leprechaun *freebies* that I would love for you to come check out…I would be quite honored if you paid my blog a visit. =)
Race to the Rainbow is a HUGE favorite of my kiddos and I am sure your kiddos would love it too. =)
Heather's Heart
Erica! Your St. patty's day units are awesome! I follow your blog and TpT store! 🙂
Cheers to School
cute pack! I am a new follower of your blog and TPT store!
I already follow your blog and TPt store!
I follow your blog & TpT store!
I'm already a follower – love your blog!
Sara 🙂
Smiling In Second Grade
I follow your blog and TPT store! :0)
Of course, I follow your blog and TpT store!!
I've never heard of the "Dear Mr. Leprechaun" book but is sounds wonderful! I'm looking forward to buying it and using it with my kids next year! I'm normally not a big fan of St. Patrick's Day, but they're making me get really into it! My kids are loving the leprechaun craziness this year! We're going to do a leprechaun hunt on Monday after finding a "clue" that the leprechaun will be leaving us! I can't wait to see their reaction!
You do the cutest stuff!!!!!
You're a brave soul – I didn't whisper the word leprechaun until today. Seriously, I couldn't do that to myself this year for some reason. 🙂
Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade
I follow your blog and TpT store
I am an follower of your blog and TpT store!
I follow your blog and TpT store!
I follow your blog and TPT store! 🙂
I awarded you the One Lovely Blog Award – I just love your blog! You can find the rules on my website. 🙂 First Class with Mrs. Mac
I love leprechauns! We are still waiting for the leprechaun to make a visit to our classroom.
I am new to the blogging world. If you have time check out my blog.
I love your blog and have followed it for quite a while. I also follow your TPT store.
You have a great blog, and I really like the resources you have on TPT.
I follow your blog and TPT store.
❤First Grade Delight❤
I follow your blog and store!
I'm following your blog and your TPT store. I hope to have "the luck of the Irish."
I follow your blog and TPT store!!
The First Grade Dream