Susanna of Whimsy Workshop is another multitalented teacher/seller. My favorite set from her store is her farm clip art.
Little Red is a team of two sellers who sells teacher downloads and clip art!
I adore Zip-a-Dee Doo-Dah’s background papers! She also has great sets for when you need the same image in multiple colors.
Scrappin’ Doodles recently started selling on TpT. I usually purchase from them on their own website so I can apply a coupon code.
Krista Walden is the talented creative artist behind Creative Clips. Her graphics are always topnotch.
Melonheadz Graphics are a favorite of sellers and it is not hard to understand why! They are so unique and adorable.
Kari Bolt is a seller I recently discovered. I love that she includes black-lines in her downloads.
- You MUST link back to this post in your post (it can be an old post you updated to include the link)
- You MUST use this image:
Thanks for the great, informative post, for both newbies and established sellers. I linked up with a preview short cut that has saved me tons of time.
Teaching With Love and Laughter
I really appreciate this information. I have long been creating my own products and have considered become a seller. This will be a great help when I make that jump! Thanks!
Great job! I'm thankful to say I have finally learned most of this from the help of bloggers like you! But, I still need to work on locking PDF's as well as putting copyright info on every single page.
Literacy Spark
This was so incredibly helpful! Thank you!
Wow! Thank your the detailed tips. Selling on TPT is always in the back of my mind. This post may help me take the leap!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!! I will be reading & re-reading this post often while I set up my own shop.
Erica, Thank you for all you do. You are an incredibly talented teacher and creator of teaching products. Which makes my life as a 1st grade teacher easier.
Stephanie C. Ivory
What a great comprehensive post! Thanks for letting us link up!
Mrs. Payton's Precious Kindergarteners
This is a fantastic post! I don't know that I will ever create for TPT, but I enjoy buying products. It is interesting to see all that goes into their creation – makes them seem an even better bargain than they already are. Thank you for all your hard work. Maria
Thank you for such a thorough and straightforward post! I became a seller/blogger three months ago, and while I have only made a whopping $30…..I now belong to four collaborative Facebook educator groups that help me, inspire me, and let me vent when I need to! Know that your time and talent is truly appreciated!
You are so generous to lay out all this info for everyone! I've been selling for a couple months now and learned a lot by trial and error. I've been looking all over for instructions on how to secure PDF files. I'm thrilled to have found this! I will definitely have to add a terms of use page to my current products. Thanks so much!
Great post Erica! I use Keynote on my Mac to create my files and it is very similar to Powerpoint. Pages is more like Word. Thanks for sharing your ideas! I know I will be sending people back to this post constantly.
You are amazing!!!
Genius post, Erica!! I will be referring back to this post many, many times! I have recently put a few free products in my store, but there is so much more I have to learn, so I'm not ready to sell anything yet. Dippin' my toe in the pool. ; ) Thank you so much for this comprehensive and informative post. This took a lot of time for you to put together….much appreciated! : )
Teaching Powered by Caffeine
Omiword! You are awesome! Thank you so much.
Thank you so much for taking your time to write all this out! I just started this January and still have so much to learn! 😀
(Check me out on my Facebook Page!)
Now THIS is a POST, girl!!! What an amaaaaaazing tutorial, Erica!!!
Growing Firsties
While I am in no place just yet to even attempt the hard work all of you amazing TPT sellers do, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this post and hope one day I can return to it and create some products of my own. I'm so glad you showed the printer you use as I just spent the last week looking for a good one to print all of the things I buy from you (and others), and somehow I magically ended up with the same one. Glad to know you like it too! Thanks for all of your amazing products, your wonderful blog posts, and the work you do for children not just in your own class!
-Rachelle (
I am sending this link to several friends who have asked me how to sell on TpT. You are right,,,it's a complicated answer but you presented it so very completely and clearly. Thank you!!! I'm also going to the conference and hope to hear you present.
Thanks again!'
The Teacher Next Door
Jenn Larson
When I signed up for TPT I signed up as a seller. I have always wanted to try and do it, but I have not even come close to starting it. If and when I am ready…this is a post I will come back to. You all do really work so hard and create such amazing things…that is the part I am not sure I can do. We are so glad for you and the many others who do this and make our lives easier!
Great post, Erica. OMG, I look so VERY lost in our group picture! I'm such a goober!!!!
Fantastic post! Thank you for sharing your expertise. Just started posting some of my own products and I loved checking to see what I am missing still! I loved the 3am Teacher's great tutorial, but unfortunately I don't have a PC and do not use Pages on my Mac. I did find this great tutorial for anyone who is using a Mac and PowerPoint and needs to know how to secure their products. Thank you again!
Thanks so much, Emily! I added it to the post.
awesome! I shred on my fb page so we can reel in some newbies! =)
Thanks for sharing!! I took the leap and it REALLY has to be something you want to do. It does take time creating and learning the entire process. I've found it's a great outlet for me to be creative and share what I'm using in my classroom.
Would you know how to secure files in Pages? I've only attempted Powerpoint a couple of times but feel more comfortable using Pages for now.
Thanks again for sharing.
First Grade Lyons' Den
This post is fantastic! They should have a link to it on the TPT homepage. 🙂
Whimsy Workshop Teaching
This is such a helpful and valuable post! Thank you for taking the time to share what has made you so successful on TPT! I'm printing this out so I can refer to it easily. And thanks for the opportunity to share a link as well 🙂
Erica, this post is beyond wonderful! All I have in my TpT store is my free product and I put it there a year ago…ugh! After reading your post, I am re-inspired to try my hand at selling again as you have answered so many of my questions. The time that you put into just the post alone is unbelievable and so, so appreciated! I love your products, your ideas and your guinea pigs – so cute!
Hopelessly Devoted to Teaching
Thank you so much for this post…I will be using this when I find time to start a TPT store!! It is a goal of mine 🙂 Thanks again!
This was an amazingly informative post to read! Thank you so much for the time you put into gathering all of this information, sharing it and thinking enough of my post to include it. Though, I'm terribly guilty of not commenting enough, I continue to learn so much from reading your blog. This post is no different. I'm sure I will visit it often. Thanks, again! Heading over to FB to share it too!
A+ Firsties
Amazing post!! Thank you so much for all the time and effort that obviously went into it. Just brilliant!
What a great post!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!! I linked up!
Incredible post! I just started, and have stumbled around surprisingly with success. I still got so much from your post. Thanks for the info.
Oh, Snap! BlogBLOG
Well, how cool is this?
If you don't mind, I would just like one thing to your amazing list;
For those who offer music, please record it in a real studio and use real musicians. Recording in the kitchen or just with garage band is like using comic sans when it comes to music. Quality makes a real difference across the board.
Thank you for this wonderful post! Will share everywhere. And for the record, you rock.
I just linked up Erica! What a wonderful resource for teachers just starting on their journey in the TPT world or those who are just interested in learning more! Great post! 🙂
Great post, Erica! May I ask what you found to be lacking in using Pages vs. using Power Point? I have been using the blank template on Pages (as opposed the the blank text template) to create my items and wonder if there is a functionality that I am missing out on? I've been exclusively on a Mac for so long that I don't even remember how to use MS products. This post will be a great place to point all the newbies (and no-quite-so-newbies like myself)!
Kim, I really did not give Pages a fair shot. I find that you can alter the graphics easier in Power Point and align them quickly. I crop my graphics, remove the background image, add digital paper to fill fonts, all in Power Point. If I knew how to use Pages or Keynote properly, maybe I would have given it more of a shot.
Thanks, Erica! I've been selling for almost a year now and this still was a VERY helpful post! Selling is definitely not easy. Especially the negative feedback part. I chuckled b/c my house is not clean nor do I cook either! I'd rather be creating for my classroom/TpT!! Thanks again!
Wow! I'm just a buyer, not a seller. But I appreciate the TIME it took you to put this tutorial together and your sharing spirit. Nice job!
Thank you for all the information. I'm always wondering how can I get started making my own products this post will be super helpful!
Erica, thank you so much for this detailed post. I have often wondered how this process worked. I have been teaching for over 25 years and have always created my own products, activities etc but have enjoyed now purchasing from TPT and reading the many blogs out there. This really isn't an area I will delve into in the future but I am encouraged for those many new teachers who will eventually go this route and who will have mentors such as yourself to help them out. Bravo!
Ridiculously amazing and thorough post…just like your products!!! Thanks for the refresher!! 🙂
Wow! Thank you for sharing this amazing post. I have a notepad full of notes:) Thank you, thank you, thank you!! (I need a new printer) -Kristen
Incredible, Erica!! You covered it all! I can't even imagine how long it took you to put this together! Thank you so much! You are such an inspiration!!
Peace, Love, and First Grade
Thank you for this post! I started buying products on TPT a couple of years ago and finally took the plunge into selling in May of this year. I didn't realize how long it takes to make each product until I tried to make one myself. I still struggle with having the time between my teaching job, my 2 hour daily commute, managing my house, and taking care of my 5 year old son, husband and dog! Thank you for all the great tips you have shared!
Thank you so much for taking the time to share all your knowledge. You are so generous to devote your time to help others learn about TPT. I have dreamed about starting a TPT shop but have felt intimidated by all the steps involved, not to mention my lack of knowledge! I will be re-visiting this post often as I take the leap to start my shop. Thanks agin!
A. Henne
Thank you for this great information! You're awesome!!
Mrs. Tretbar's Library
Thank you for your time and wisdom in providing this helpful information. What a nice gift to those of us who would like to be TpT sellers!
Thanks for the post Erica! So many great tips. I didn't know about Picasa. I'm off to check that out.
Coffee Cups and Lesson Plans
Hi Erica!
Congratulations to my STAR STUDENT on all your great success—and thanks for all the direction, encouragement and inspiration.
I’m happy to tell you that Learning with Puppets is set to launch this May. It took me years to create all the content, but finally finished (for now—we are never really done, are we?).
Continued success to you and to your lovely author mom. I hope to see you both very soon.
Love, Mary Beth Spann,
Erica, thank you for all the hours of time and effort you put into this post. Well done. I will be sharing it widely.
Also, I haven't been to your blog in awhile and don't know when you switched over to the new ed-ventures title and "teaching and telling it like it is" tagline, but I LOVE it. It's so clever and so YOU! Great job!
This is a really great post. Even has someone who has been selling on TpT for a while now, it was so great to read! Especially the parts about not giving up on yourself, not letting the negative feedback get to you, and realizing that you get back what you put into this. This post definitely took some time to put together and is very well done! I will certainly be sending others to this post when I get questions about getting started!
I think you've helped us all answer that question for many!!
Creating & Teaching
This is a phenomenal post, Erica! Thank you so much for all the information and for the time you spent on this post. I just started my TPT store last fall and find this very helpful.
First Grade Found Me
Awesome post girl. Everything is so true and right on! Thanks for the links to tutorials. I am still lost on doing a lot of things and these links will def help. =)
Just Wild About Teaching
Erica, this is the best post! I will for sure be sending peeps your way who are interested in getting started on TpT! As I was reading through this, I kept on saying "yup", "yup", "yup". I agree with it all! Blogging is the best and I'm so happy and lucky to be a part of this wonderful community!
Erica, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! As a newbie to selling on TPT this is not only helpful but also inspirational! I've been in a creative lull recently but this post will help. Thanks for all the tips and everything you do!
The Land of I Can
Thank you for the informative post! I have been selling on Tpt for a little over a year now, and am having so much fun! I didn't realize there was still so much to learn…I am looking forward to trying a few of your ideas – like using Picaso for arranging the pages for a preview file. I think I also need to start a blog in order to increase my followers…. Thank you again!
Wow! Thanks so much for all of the time you put into this post! Thanks for helping other teachers. It is greatly appreciated!
Wow! Thanks so much for all of the time you put into this post! Thanks for helping other teachers. It is greatly appreciated!
Thank you for all the great information. I don't think I will ever sell on TPT but I have a new appreciation for the teachers that do create and share with everyone. You're amazing
AWESOME! What a great post!
Wow! What an informative blog post. I've learnt so much from this. Thank you for sharing your tips and your time. I'm an Australian newbie to TPT and can now add some more jobs to my growing list. Thanks again.
Erica, I really appreciate this post. I have been creating products for a little over a year, and found lots of new info here. Thanks so much for taking time to share your expertise with us! 🙂 Anne
Common Core Connection
This is a great post…so informative, even for people like me who are trying to become better TpT authors. I have a question about securing your graphics and all that. I've used both of the tutorials you listed above, because I have a Windows at school and a Mac at home. What should I do if my graphics become fuzzy when I save the final PDF? Have you found something that works for your?
THANK YOU!!! Those were detailed and generous instructions!!! Awesome.
Thank you so much for all of the helpful information. I have been trying to get some information on helpful tips for selling on TpT. This has been extremely helpful. Thanks for your honesty! 🙂
Erica…we have been on TPT about 1 1/2 years, so not super new but still feel like we have so much to learn! THANK YOU for this post. It is one of the most amazingly detailed and helpful posts we've EVER read about TPT!!! YOU ROCK!!!☺ We hope to see you present some day!
2 Super Teachers
Victoria & Tricia♥
A Happy Hearts Classroom
Thank you for the well thought out post! As a novice on TPT and to the blogging world I truly appreciate teachers who give their time and energy to teach other teachers outside of school!
Short and Sassy Teacher
I just started selling on TpT in January. I am so thankful for your blog post. There is a lot that I am already doing and know but I learned so much too! It definitely is a second job for me. I get lost working on products and look up to see that 3 hours have passed. I am thankful for your honesty as well… know I don't feel so bad for my messy kitchen table. Ha.
Thanks so much for the information! You seemed to cover everything and in detail and I appreciate it and will use it. The 1 issue I have with a lot of TPT sellers, maybe you can pass it along– is the amount of color and extraneous text or graphics they use. A lot of us don't want color–we can't print it out at school and some of the materials are very "fluffy"! I guess I am a plane and simple type of girl who wants to get to the "meat" of the curriculum. Thanks for listening!
Erica, thank you so much for this post! I really don't know how you have time to teach AND create all of your items. I am excited to try creating for TPT and your post was very helpful. Your comment about how the toughest part can be not getting the thank you's or the praise really struck me. I, too often, purchase from TPT without sending a thank you. Please know that if everyone feels like I do about the products we're buying, we're grateful!!
Thank you again!
Great post!!!! I learned so much about I can use to make my products better and to help more teachers 🙂
Happy Teaching, Bri
Thank you so much for the time and effort that you put into this post- I can only imagine how long it took!!!! With its help, I just set up my own TpT store (using your referral link, of course!) Thanks for making it so simple- 1 freebie, and 1 paid product. I guess I was waiting until I had more products, but you helped me realize that it will take time and that I need to be patient. I finally took the first step, thanks to your encouragement!
All the best,
Creating a Thoughtful Classroom
Thanks, Erica, for your fabulous tutorial! It's a great "getting started" kit. There are some nuggets in there for even the "somewhat experienced, but still new-ish" bloggers. You suggest updating your older products as you gain experience… it's a little bit like, "Well, student-o-mine, this might be a great first try, but I'd like you to go back and try fixing up this part." I think it's time I take some of my own medicine! 🙂
I have come back to this again and again. Thanks for the GREAT information!!
Terri Izatt
How kind of you Erica to take the time to put this together. Thank you for your awesome products and for the links and the info. Bonnie, Whitefish Montana
Thank you for the info! I've been kicking around the idea and I appreciated the honesty of your post. Thank you!!
This was perfect for me! So helpful. I was once frustrated figuring things out, but this made it MUCH easier!! A newbie TpT Seller and blogger thanks you!!
– Molly M.
Erica, this is wonderful! I'm a special ed teacher, so most of what I create is personalized for individual children, and I have no intention of selling, but your advice is still very helpful in creating resources for my students. Thank you so much!
Wow, Erica! This is an answer to my prayers and WAY more detailed than I ever expected anyone would take the time to create just to help someone else out. Wish I could link to it, but I don't have a blog–yet! Thanks for taking the time to create and share it.
Awesome, detailed post!! You've shared lots of wise advice here too You are really helping others to avoid the stumbles that I know I made in the beginning.
I can not thank you enough I am searching several blogs trying to make sure I discover everything I can about selling on TPT. I started a blog at the beginning of last summer I have maybe 4 post but I am trying to get better. I have one follower and made a special blog to her when she started following me. My blog is not much but if you are interested in at least becoming number 2 on my following list I would love to have you. I am very interested in the TPT conference in Vegas please tell me more. Thanks again for all your wonderful information I look forward to shopping at your TPT store and following your blog. Take care!
Great tips! Thank you for this post. There is a lot to learn and there are a lot of us in the same boat.
Thank you so much! I appreciate all this information. 🙂
Erica, this is an AWESOME post about TpT and how to get started! I've been selling since August 2013 and it is a long process. I agree, creating products is a way to let our creative energy flow! I just started a blog a few weeks ago. I'm getting there! Thanks for sharing!
This information was so helpful! Thank you so much for sharing! Are we allowed to use the wordage you used on your terms of use page? I am having the most trouble with wording it and yours is so perfect 🙂 Thanks!
Yes, you can use the wordage. Thanks!
Erica, this is such a comprehensive post! I can definitely understand how it took you an entire day to put together! I know you said you use PowerPoint versus Pages, but did you give Keynote a try? I've been using Keynote instead of PowerPoint because I find it's a bit easier to use. I'm curious to know if it's worth trying to spend the time becoming really familiar with PowerPoint. I'm thinking I might check out a few of the tutorials you posted 🙂
Theresa @ True Life I'm a Teacher!
Erica thank you for the post on TPT. I started creating in PowerPint. It became discouraged but you have encouraged and inspired me again. Thank you so much.
I have already started my TPT store, but this information is PRICELESS. It is beyond helpful! Thank you for taking the time to put this together! 🙂
Erica, this is fabulous information on how to get started with TPT. I am just starting to create some of my own ideas and found your tips extremely helpful. I have to admit I did not read all of the comments left here and apologize if I missed the answer to this question: Do you have tips (or can you refer me to someone) on becoming a successful blogger? I have made 2 previous attempts and would like to try one last time! 🙂 Thanks again!
Great info! I have created 8 products so far, but I still have so much to learn! I'm excited to get back into the classroom and start creating for my kiddos. I think that will help give me inspiration! Thank you for sharing all your knowledge!
Thank you so sooo much for this post! I'm new to the blogging world and making TPT products. I'm constantly tring to come across information that will make me better in these areas. Your post was very helpful!
Trakasha fromMrs. Paul's Corner
I am so happy I came across this post. I started blogging last year (here and there) and have added a couple of products I created to TPT, but nothing much. As I read through this, I got some great ideas. I am not really worried about being a top seller, but it is nice to know that I am making my products appealing and I do want to promote them. For now, I enjoy the connection I feel talking with new people in the blogging world. It really is a wonderful community! Thanks again for the wonderful advice.
Erica….thanks for this great post. I'm new to the whole TPT selling thing as I just opened my store this week. I really appreciate all the information you put into this post. It helped me a lot! It's a great resource for us newbies!
The Teddy Bear Classroom
Thank you for taking the time to write such an wonderful resource for those of us new to TPT. I recently retired and am finding TPT to be a great creative release since I no longer have my own students to write curriculum for. In your post you mentioned that Mac users will have trouble getting hyperlinks to remain active when converting to PDF. An alternative solution Adobe Acrobat pro is to simply open the Word document in Pages and save as a PDF. The links will be active. You will have to experiment to make sure no formatting is lost in Pages.
Jim Gonyo
Thank You Erica! I've been wanting to enter this TPT world for a while now. I started this summer with this post on your blog and kept returning back to it as my resource. Now, I am happy to report that my TPT store is up and running…. and I am thankful for this post as it was instrumental in the process. Your work is top notch and a golden resource for teachers everywhere. Thank you for the spirit of sharing in your blog. It is very much appreciated!!
Thriving In 2nd Grade
Thanks so much! This answered LOTS of questions for me! 🙂
Thanks for this amazing post. Quick question about Dollar Photo: do you know if the terms that include TPT are within the standard or extended license? I honestly cannot tell when I read their site. I have a standard license for $10/month, wondering if I need to upgrade. Thanks a million!
Marnie Craycroft
Carrots Are Orange
You are AMAZING! Thank you so much for this. I love all your products and have been attempting to make my own using Publisher. Now I have a MacBook and there is no Publisher for Mac… I am so excited to get started using Powerpoint. I cannot thank you enough for sharing this information. No one else at my school does this so I have no one to talk to about it! I feel like all the blogs I follow are "friends in my head". This has inspired me to revamp my pitiful, little blog. Thank you again,
Libby Tyler
This is amazing!! You are so kind to have taken the time to write this for new sellers!
My friend mentioned to me your blog, so I thought I’d read it for myself. Very interesting insights, will be back for more!
buying facebook likes
Great post! I recently started my TPT store. You have some excellent tips, ideas, and resources. I am a first grade teacher also. I would love to link up on something in some way with you if you are doing a link party or blog hop?! I shared this post on Google + Thanks for sharing!
So amazing! I will spend weeks going through each amazing link here as I start up my TpT store and blog!
Look forward to following your blog and your store. Thanks again for pouring your time and effort into this blog for us newbies 🙂
What an amazing refresher and post! I have a quick question…there are many teachers using graphics such as a dollar a photo…do you know any other "real" picture sites TPT sellers are using? I asked 4 sellers already…no one is sharing their secrets…I would love some help…I teach science and would love some real photos for products…
Renee from the Science School Yard
I just found this post–and it's so thorough, detailed, clear, visual, entertaining, wow! You are a great blogger. I thank you for writing this and giving us advice. I'm into my second year and the learning curve is steep! But my hiking boots are on and I'm getting it….Thank you!
Thanks so much for all your wisdom. I know that I will be coming back to this post again and again.
Brilliant post covering all the steps! I found this post after creating setting up my TPT store. I am going to link your post to my facebook page (!
Thanks for this detailed post
Thank you SO much for taking the time to post this!! It has been so helpful, I keep coming back to reread your tips. I am sharing your post on my Facebook page. 🙂
Amazing post dude.It will be very helpful for begginers like me.Thank you very much for this important post.Waiting for your next post buy-instagram-likes
I have searched and searched for alternative ways to save clipart files. I create them in Photoshop, but that's a huge file. I see others do it in PowerPoint. The only problem I see is that it reduces my dpi from 300 to 150. Any advice you can offer would be so appreciated!
What a useful blog post! I'm just getting started on TpT and these helpful tips will definitely come in handy. Thank you! I can't wait to start trying all of these great fonts that you recommend.
What a useful blog post! I'm just getting started on TpT and these helpful tips will definitely come in handy. Thank you! I can't wait to start trying all of these great fonts that you recommend.
Thank you for all the info. I have a question, what about those like me that instead of creating new resources, want to translate into another language using great ideas from other teachers? How can I do that? Any input?
Thank you,
Thank you so much for posting this friendly first-time seller guide. I have found it extremely helpful. I hope I am as lucky to have the success you have built. Best wishes…
What a fantastic blog post. So helpful. Do you know of any step by step guides for using rafflecopter in conjunction with a blog and TPT. I am launching my blog soon, and would like to use a giveaway to get people to come to my blog. Also, do you think I should start my blog for a week or two, so I have a few different posts on there, and then do the official launch, or launch it with just the one blog post? Your advice would be wonderful. Cheers, Triple T (
This has been an incredible help in creating my first products on TpT! The fonts I purchased look great on the games I've created, but aren't uploading with the same exact font. HELP!
Are you saving your files as a PDF?
I am creating my own products but feeling nervous about selling because of font and graphic copyrights. If I use a KG font that was free to download, is that not ok?
Hi, you must first pay a commercial use license. She sells them individually or you can purchase a lifelong license.
Wow! I am completely overwhelmed but wanted to say thank you! The information you have shared will help me create for my classroom. While I will probably never sell on TPT I still want to learn how to make beautiful products for my classroom.
You spent hours on this tutorial! Thank you 🙂
Thank you for this amazing post! You have just inspired me to start my journey into creating products for TPT. I have always found some sort of excuse to not do it (too many teachers doing it already, not enough time, I'm not that creative, etc.) I think that was just my self saboteur, preventing from trying something new. Thank you again for this inspirational post.
Ulises Cisneros
San Diego, CA
This is an excellent resource to use! I am just starting my TpT store and have lots of great ideas. I think it will take some more research before I get busy making documents.
Thanks for all of the helpful tips and info!!! I'm wondering how to create a logo/ button for your store?
-Heidi Mandraccia
1st Grade Teacher
Edmond, OKlahoma