I know “things” don’t make you truly happy but they can make you smile!
Here are some of my favorite things in no particular order.
No explanation needed.
Two Weeks Off
I am still in my PJs and it is after 11 am. This is the life…no sense of urgency.
YouTube Videos of Penguins
Or just YouTube in general! Click (here) to check out my playlists.
I don’t know what rock I was living under, but I just found out about ebates and already earned $30 with my online shopping. Click (here) to check it out.
House Hunting

Now, if only the home I found above on Pinterest would be located on Long Island and not be a million dollars. (Long Island is soo expensive.) I love imagining what I would do with the houses I look at. I am currently looking in Brightwaters on the South Shore of Long Island. I am hoping some homes pop up after Christmas.
You all know I foster and it is such a rewarding experience. I have been fostering a never ending stream of kittens, but may go back to puppies/dogs for a bit. I want to spread the love.
I kinda need this shirt?
I don’t own the bag above, but I really want it. I am actually proud of myself for showing restraint and not buying it. I need to save for a new house…I need to save for a new house.
All my favorite fashion bloggers use this app. It is dangerous for me, because I like a pic on Instagram and instantly I am sent an email with links to the items. To justify, I do think it has made me a much more stylish person.
Christmas Messes!
I really could go on and on about my favorite things! What are your favorite things? Link up below.
That is a cute house! I'm house hunting too and I love going to look at the possibilities.
I too agree with the Target comment, I really love looting the Dollar Spot…Erica enjoy your winter break!
I have a good friend who moved from a little town in Georgia to Brightwaters. They just love it there! Hope you find a place there! Merry Christmas!
Happy house hunting! That will be us next year at this time either in Seattle or Phoenix. Oh do I miss Target!!!! Not sure when my next trip to the states is but I always have a huge Target list ready. Also when we move back I need to be close to a Target. Enjoy your break!
Merry Christmas!
Joya 🙂
PENGUIN VIDEOS! I love penguin videos! I could watch them all day!