I would not describe myself as a type A teacher, I would say I am somewhere in the middle and that I work hard to be organized. I teach first grade and I have found that when I cannot find something, which in turn makes me frazzled, I lose control over the class. To prevent chaos, I focus on organization before the school year even starts. Then during the first month of school, I spend a lot of time on classroom management and procedures. The result…my classroom runs like a well-oiled machine and substitute teachers tell me that they love to sub in my classroom.
I hope you find a few tips in this post to help you. My tip for you is to not overwhelm yourself trying to do it all. Do a few things well and each year add on.
Classroom Dojo has a lot more to offer besides behavior management. It is a great tool for communicating with parents. It has a messaging feature and whole class broadcast feature. I cannot even count how many times a parent has come up to me and said how much they love the Dojos. The students love them, too. This year the site started kid friendly videos on Growth Mindset. My students could not get enough of them! You can learn more about the site by clicking {HERE}.
Another aspect of good classroom management is creating a productive learning environment. Here are some routines that should be taught the first few weeks of school. Harry Wong is the expert on this subject and you can find his book {HERE}.
For pencil management, I like to keep jars up in the front of the classroom. One bin has unsharpened pencils and the other sharpened. I don’t let my students use the electric sharpener but I do let them “trade in” pencils when needed.
I like to pre-count my red and yellow chips and store in Dixie cups or snack sized bags. This makes handing out during math time a breeze!
The tip above is super easy! Place a lunch menu in a page protecter. Tape the page protector to the back of a mat. Use velcro to attach the mat to a door or wall.
You can find the lunch label in any of these packets:
You can check out all versions of my birthday boards {HERE}. Or check out my latest version by clicking below.
Even though I teach fifth grade I feel like we are twins when it comes to running our classrooms and being organized. I have not projected my dojo before and didn't even think of letting the kids give themselves a point for something – totally stealing that idea. Thanks for all of your great ideas in one post!
Haha! I know there is a way you can hide the point totals on the site. My kiddos have never been ones to get upset or brag about the number of points they have. I know first graders are just very accepting. I am not sure if the older guys would be that way, so you might want to start with points hidden.
Wow– am so impressed with your blog. Thanks for all the info and tips. I especially appreciate the gonoodle tip— it is going to be my new obsession! Thank you!
Thank you and you will LOVE GoNoodle.
If the kids earn a negative point on the Dojo site, do you have them do it on the SmartBoard or do you do it for them?
It depends on the behavior and what is going on during class at the time. I don't want it to become the walk of shame. Most of the time a behavior will occur during center time and the other kids don't notice. I also have the app on my phone. It really depends on the kid, too. Some kids are sensitive and some kids will throw a tantrum. You have to use your judgement. Each child is different.
Just found your blog this past week. I am addicted! I love your organization and your decor! I have already purchased several items from your TPT page and I cannot wait to get started re-organizing my classroom. Currently I teach preschool but a lot of your ideas still work!