Are you looking for some fun and engaging St. Patrick's Day Activities to do with your students? This post has everything you need to plan and create a fun day or even week of St. Patrick's Day themed activities. I have so many freebies for you, too! Update March 2025...I have created a week of ...
St. Patrick's Day
St. Patrick’s Day Ideas and Freebies
Hi Friends! I have compiled my St. Patrick's Day resources and freebies into one big post. Just click on the images to check the packets. The following are from my new 1st Grade March Math Centers packet; Math Graphing Activities: FREE ...
St. Patrick’s Day Ideas and Freebie Links
St. Patrick's Day is just around the corner. Here are some ideas and freebies for celebrating St. Patrick's Day. You can click on the images to check out the packets the resources are included in. Above is a fun twist on fact families. I used silver and gold glitter to create the ...
Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in First Grade & a Freebie
This week, I did not post my weekly plans. We celebrated the 101st Day of School and utilized my Dalmatian themed packet. Then the rest of this week, we have been focusing on Dr. Seuss themed activities. Since, Dr. Seuss has really strict copyright laws, I thought it better to not ...
Visual Plans for the Week of March 11th and a St. Patrick’s Day Freebie
Here are my visual plans for the week of March 11th! Click to download. *This plan book format is called "Erica." Click here to check it out in Ms. M's A Teacher's Plan Store. **My visual plans are inspired by DeeDee Wills' visual plans. I am ...
St. Patricks Day Common Core Activities and a Freebie
Are you impressed? I am not waiting until the last minute to post about a holiday unit. To be perfectly honest, the packet is from last year and I just updated it a bit. It has just been one of those years where I cannot get ahead on anything! I know a lot of you are in the ...
St. Patrick’s Day LepreCommon Core Math and Literacy Activities
Click on the picture below to check out my brand new Common Core Based Packet. Don't forget, tomorrow is the big TpT sale (click {here} for the the coupon code)! This 87 page download contains math and literacy activities aligned to the Common Core. Teacher and student directions are ...
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
I am going to re-share some of these adorable ideas for today. Go to The First Grade Parade for the tracers and more info on the adorable leprechaun faces, click {here}. Click {here} for my blog link to the "Be On the Lookout" printable. St. Patrick's Day Math Centers! ...
Be On the Lookout!
I'm not a bit Irish (I'm actually of Italian and German decent) but everyone is Irish on St. Patrick's day. This "Wanted Poster" is a cute way to turn all of your students into Irish leprechauns. Just have them put an "O'" or a "Mc" in front of their last name when completing the poster; ...