I love To-Do Lists! I write them on post-its, on those To-Do List pads, and on my Blackberry. I also like to make To-Do Lists of ideas I have for TpT, my blog, and Scholastic. I created free “Busy Teacher’s To-Do Lists” for TpT and posted about them on Blog Hoppin’. Click {here} to hop over and read the post! These are perfect for sticking in your plan book or in that giant paper clip on your desk.
I also try to follow Ralph Fletcher’s A Writer’s Notebook: Unlocking the Writer Within You
and carry around a small notebook. So when an idea, moment, situation, or story seems worth jotting down, I do. I purchased my two notebooks from Marshall’s which happens to be one of my favorite stores! (I love bargins and designer duds for less!) I keep the larger one by my bed with a pen and the smaller one in my purse.
I love these, I can't decide which one I like best!! Thanks for sharing Erica!