Are you feeling daunted by the back-to-school preparations for your classroom? As a seasoned 20-year veteran teacher, I’m here to simplify the process for you with seven easy-to-follow steps! Whether you’re an experienced educator or a fresh face in the field, this post is guaranteed to be your ultimate guide!

As the summer break approaches, I make sure to take proactive steps to ensure a smooth and organized start to the upcoming school year. One of my top priorities before I leave for the break is to prep back-to-school letters. These are then put in large manilla envelopes and placed in the main office. The are not mailed out until mid August. Student names are not on the letters, but will be placed on the outside of the envelopes. Among the essential contents of these back-to-school letters is an important information record sheet. This sheet serves as a vital tool for families to communicate with me about who will be authorized to pick up their child and how their child will be getting home on the first day of school. Dismissal time can be a source of anxiety for both parents and teachers, and by collecting this information on the first day, I can review it well in advance and proactively minimize any potential stress. For educators looking to streamline their back-to-school preparations, I’m excited to share that I have made all of my back-to-school letters and forms available in my TpT (Teachers Pay Teachers) store.

Over the years, I’ve curated decor themes that complement my black shelves and bins. While painting the shelves was challenging and the bins required a significant investment, transitioning to white shelves and bins seems impractical in terms of both time and money. To achieve a more balanced look, I’ve opted to incorporate white bulletin board paper and embrace a delightful sunflower theme with subtle black accents.
My advice to you is to discover a theme that harmonizes with your existing setup instead of clashing with it. If you have primary-colored furniture, consider a vibrant decor theme like a rainbow that incorporates those colors seamlessly. If, like me, you have a lot of black elements, options like Farmhouse, brights, clean and simple, or a sunflower theme with black accents might be the way to go. And if you’re fortunate enough to have white furniture, the possibilities are endless!

Magnetic hooks have proven to be incredibly useful for hanging decor in my classroom. Their versatility lies in their non-committal nature and ease of movement, allowing me to experiment with various setups effortlessly. For your convenience, I’ve included a link to these magnetic hooks along with many other suggested items to streamline your classroom preparations. Check them out HERE for a hassle-free and organized start to the new school year!

Investing some time upfront to organize your supplies will undoubtedly save you valuable time in the long run! I’ve found that using clear-labeled bins to store my materials has been a game-changer. With everything neatly sorted, my students can locate what they need independently, reducing the need for constant assistance. Moreover, it streamlines my own access to supplies and ensures that substitute teachers or support staff can effortlessly find what they require.
For added convenience, you can explore my editable labels HERE , or read my informative blog post about environmental print HERE. Additionally, I’ve linked the shoebox bins I use HERE., which are perfect for keeping your classroom in order and ready for a successful academic year!

Creating easily accessible storage for communal classroom supplies is a must! One of my highly recommended systems is using a “feeder tray” with large crayons, making it convenient for students to grab a replacement when needed. Additionally, I establish a well-organized pencil system well before the first day of school.

In my classroom, students are encouraged to trade in their pencils in the morning or at the end of the day, ensuring they always have two sharpened pencils at their desks. As a daily routine, my designated “helper of the day” takes charge of sharpening pencils at day’s end. The key is to find a system that suits your classroom’s needs and diligently reinforce the routine during the first month of school to ensure a smooth and efficient process for the rest of the year!

While it may not be the first thing on your mind amidst the back-to-school hustle, setting up your lesson plan book in advance is incredibly important. As soon as your schedule is finalized, start organizing your plan book to ensure a smooth start to the year. To make this process easier, I recommend using my user-friendly templates, which you can read more about HERE.
For fellow first-grade teachers, I’ve got you covered with my first two weeks of back-to-school plans HERE. Remember, the first week can be challenging as you want to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere without jumping right into the curriculum. Prepare engaging and enjoyable activities to ease the students into the new environment.
Another helpful tip is to over-plan or have extra activities and read-aloud books on hand in case you finish an activity earlier than expected. Flexibility is key, and having backup resources ensures you’re always prepared to make the most of your classroom time!

I’ve always made it a tradition to place a little surprise on my students’ desks for the first day of school. In the past, bouncy balls seemed like a fun idea, but it turned out to be quite chaotic as they bounced everywhere! However, I’ve since found the perfect solution: Play-Doh! Not only is it enjoyable for the students, but it also keeps them engaged and occupied while I greet other students and assist with unpacking.
To make it even more special, you can grab free back-to-school Play-Doh labels HERE and the correct size Play-Doh HERE, adding a personal touch to this gift. It’s a simple yet effective way to start the year on a positive note and create a warm and welcoming atmosphere in your classroom!

The final step in preparing for back to school is to take your time in finalizing your class list. It’s best to wait until the last possible moment because, in my experience, there’s usually some shuffling happening with student enrollments. I’ve often encountered situations where I gain or lose a student or two just a few days before school starts. I use a number system for organizing my class, and if a new student comes in or one leaves, it can throw the entire system off.
I recall one memorable incident from last year when I didn’t heed my own advice and had already completed my class list. To my frustration, one student moved out, and a new student moved in, messing up my carefully arranged order. But by some incredible stroke of luck, the new student’s last name perfectly fit into the exact alphabetical order spot left vacant by the departing student. It was a moment I’ll never forget!
However, such fortunate coincidences are rare, so my advice remains the same: wait until the last minute to finalize your class list to account for any last-minute changes. It’s the safest way to ensure your class roster is accurate and ready for a smooth start to the school year!

As we approach the exciting back-to-school season, I hope these seven easy-to-follow steps have empowered you to tackle the classroom preparations with confidence and enthusiasm. To further assist you, I have linked some of my favorite Amazon items for back to school prep above. Thank you for joining me on this journey of back-to-school preparations. As you embark on this new academic year, I wish you all the best and hope it becomes a rewarding and memorable experience for both you and your students. Happy teaching!